I had the nicest discussion today with a group of women writers I met and bonded with during a Write Into Light class led by Martha Beck. Our conversation reminded me of how much I enjoy writing in different formats. Don't misunderstand. Songwriting is my "go to" for processing life. But during the class, the writing prompts and opportunity for peer review taught me so much about myself and the writing process. It also introduced me to a wise, articulate and beautiful group of writers, who I am now privileged to call friends.
A couple of them are considering starting a blog, which led me to peak at this blog (which I care about, but get busy and neglect) and my very first blog (which I started in 2013 and similarly neglect).
When I started my first blog, I was drawn to the idea of having a space to share thoughts without the constructs of writing perfection. To me, blogging was a more free form of writing and didn't require the part of writing I dislike (namely, reviewing and editing). My life had taken a pivot when my son, Nick, who has Down syndrome, came along. I was searching for an informal, yet organized way to share my journey. Hence, I named the blog "Thoughts on Down Syndrome," which now seems devoid of creativity, but at the time seemed perfectly broad and applicable.
Another nice thing about a blog is that there is no length requirement, which makes this format very flexible. That said, when writing, it is always nice to have a point. And, at this point, you may be wondering why I am posting today.
There are two reasons.
First, I wanted to demonstrate to my dear friends that blogging and sharing through a blog is simple. If I can jump in here, chat for a bit and leave, they can as well.
Second, the discussion today made me realize that I do, in fact, enjoy this platform. I have been so busy writing songs that I haven't been writing, well, non-songs. This post breaks that cycle and maybe I can find a happy balance between the two forms of expression. The nice thing about blogging is that once I put my thoughts down, I don't have to come up with the instrumentals to back them up, share and receive feedback and go through the whole production process. There is something very inviting about the simplicity of it all. Also, it might be interesting (for me at least) to write a little about the background of some of the songs I am writing or publishing. We shall see!
Questions I will ponder this week: Will my friends start their blogs? Will I visit my own blog and write more often? Will we ever get past Covid-19 and the very strange time in which we find ourselves?
I hope that you are planning to do something kind for yourself or others this weekend and that you are staying safe and sane.
Until next time,

Happy to be journeying and writing with you! Can’t wait to read your next piece!!
Dana Dear, thank you the kind words about our Write into Light group. We are indeed privileged to be friends, and to have your friendship, too, with your freshness and inspiring input!
I wish for you that blogging will enrich your songwriting experience, give it a new and nuanced balance, as you say. Also, I for one am curious to hear the story behind a story - er, or behind a song. :)
So: I'll try to rev up my engine - vrooom, I hope to go!
xoxo Regina